Magellan Text Mining Enablement

Fundamentals - Deeper into Magellan Text Mining

  Level 2
  177 mins

This module goes deeper into the linguistic modules offered by Magellan Text Mining and offer a number of step-by-step workshops which are aimed to provide the student with all the tools needed for operating Magellan Text Mining on projects.​

This lab opens second section of Magellan Text Mining Fundamentals training, where you will get deeper into Text Mining.

This introductory course covers the following topics:

  • Understand Linguistic Models available in Magellan Text Mining and how those can be used
  • Learn about each of the available Linguistic Modules: Concept Extraction, Entity Extraction, Categorization, Sentiment Analysis, Summarization
  • Learn about Composite AI
  • Getting familiar with Text Mining Studio
  • Getting familiar with Annotation Profile
  • Perform Magellan Text Mining calls using out of the box Libraries via REST API Client and via Magellan Text Mining Studio
  • Firefox or Chrome browser required to access and view the lessons

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